Monday, January 27, 2014

Sometimes I Get Scared

Life is a puzzle and therefore it is meant to be puzzling, at least at times.  Just think of your birth as the making of a jigsaw puzzle--everything is gathered and put into a package and everyone assumes that all of the pieces are in the package.  New parents, automatically check that all ten fingers and all ten toes are there.  There are now tests that reveal mental acuity, etc. etc. etc.,  but we cannot tell, immediately, if all the pieces are present and if all the pieces will function as expected.  Life is like a puzzle and that is what scares me.

Me-- I want to believe that when I buy a puzzle all the pieces are in the box. Since I want to believe, initially, I do, but when I am about half way through the puzzle I wonder if I might be wasting my time trying to assemble the puzzle because I may discover that some of the pieces are missing.

Sometimes, I get scared because when I set out on a new Path I may not have everything I need, and is it that when I feel I am falling short I get scared, and is this how my phobias develop.  I spend so much time getting over my phobias that it makes me wonder how far along I would be by now if I didn't develop them.  Then I wonder if they are just a natural part of my Life Path.  Maybe, the foibles may be what keeps me awake and keeps me going.  

I have been focusing on words and have been looking at Words of Wisdom for Women, Rachel Snyder and today I was drawn to the word, Awaken.  

Wake up!  Refuse to sleepwalk through your life any longer.  Wake up! Open your eyes and dare to see the world in a different way.  Wake up!

I met this Raven in down-town Anchorage and was treated to a wonderful exhibition of Raven play.  I watched it roll in the snow and then it lured me into a game of hide-and- seek with it.  Of course, I was the seeker.

The encounter I had with this Raven was not my first close encounter with a Raven.  I met one in the Canyons in Washington State, and during that encounter I learned that I should look at the world through a new perspective.  Another awakening!

Learning Tools:  Some books, a camera, and a pair of hiking boots.

Wake up!  Smell the coffee!  Take a long, hard look at what you have been missing, and decide not to miss it anymore. Awaken your senses, your intuition, your desires.  Awaken the parts of yourself that have been sleeping...the lover, the trickster, the artist, the maiden, the crone...Words of Wisdom for Women, Rachel Snyder

Presently, I am in the process of making some transitions and they include:  moving to Alaska, working with others (in the classroom and through web groups) on writing, photography, finding my roots in order to become balanced. I am being introduced to my inner senses, being present, and recording the little things in life.

Happy Trails, until we meet again.

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