Saturday, February 1, 2014

Full Day

Today was a very full-filling day for me.  I started off with making a fresh pot of coffee using grounds that I ground right before processing.  I like my coffee strong and today I didn't use quite enough coffee so it was a little bit weak, but I didn't mind because it had a real good flavor.  I like to use espresso roast.  I had a serving of Bel-vita breakfast cookies, too.  They go really well with black coffee.

So, after getting dressed I headed out the door and into the garage.  I was running a little bit early for Journaling class but by the time I double checked that I had everything I needed and retrieved the missing things, I was running about 10 minutes behind schedule.

The trip to journaling was not easy because of the weather.  There was a little bit of fog when I was near home but it became heavier the closer I got to my destination.  I know I needed to make a left turn onto Lake Otis Parkway but I couldn't see the signs and turned on the wrong street.  I had to turn around and then wait at a light.  I already waited one time and the light stayed red for quite awhile.  The next turn the same thing happened and I had to drive a little ways before I could turn around.  Then, the icing on the cake--when I arrived I found the close parking to be completely full.  I just don't know why I go to this class.  It seems rather far away and I already know a lot about journaling.  My problem is that I cannot bring myself to journal regularly for an extended period of time.

When I went into the building I went straight to the classroom and discovered that I had enough time to go to the break room for coffee.  With second cup of coffee in hand I went into the classroom and settled in.  The presenter began talking about what she had on her agenda and a few people added to her presentation.  I was one of the people who had something to say, in fact, most everyone added something. It was a very lively discussion and we even had a few laughs.  When class was over, I decided that I would be back again next week.

When I returned, I had a package waiting on my doorstep.  I was happy because I knew what it was.  I ordered a hamper through Amazon and it is one that folds.  I couldn't wait to open it because I was afraid that it would be flimsy and I would have to return it, but that is not the case.  It is just sturdy enough and I can fold it up and put it right back in the box when I move in April.  I also got a photography book, Shooting with Soul.

The morning seemed to be just a little too much for me.  I was tired and my allergies were bothering me so I took an allergy pill.  It didn't take long before I was taking a nap.

The last thing I had on my agenda was to attend a fundraiser for Literacy--Scrabble Scramble so by 5:45 PM I was behind the wheel and driving to Our Lady of Guadaloupe Church.  I had a very enjoyable time and was home by 9:30 PM. and able to catch the last half hour of Blue Bloods and then the 10 o'clock news.

Happy Trails, until we meet again.